TEST 5: The Revolutionary War

  • Due Jan 27, 2022 at 11:59pm
  • Points 26
  • Questions 16
  • Available Jan 26, 2022 at 12am - Apr 1, 2022 at 11:59pm
  • Time Limit None
  • Allowed Attempts Unlimited


Revolutionary War MAP 2.jpg Mollt Pitcher 1.jpg

TEST 5: The Revolutionary War 

60 Fun Printable Targets | KittyBabyLove.com I can demonstrate proficiency by answering all the questions on this test correctly

DIRECTIONS: This is the test for Unit 5. You may take this Test at home or at school unlimited times to get the highest score. GOOD LUCK!


  • What best describes the Battle of Yorktown?
  • What was the major RESULT of the Revolutionary War?
  • What was the western boundary of the U.S. at the end of the War?
  • What best describes Washington's intentions when he left the army after the war? 
  • Which side had the advantage of a strong and powerful NAVY?
  • Which side had the MORAL advantage of fighting for their livesproperty and political ideals?
  • Which side had the advantage of being familiar with the geography of the colonies?
  • Which side was well provisioned with weapons, clothing and other supplies?
  • Which side received support from foreign allies like France and Spain?
  • Which side had the advantage of well trained, professional soldiers?
  • What best describes The American Crisis?
  • What best describes Valley Forge?
  • What best describes the Battle of Saratoga?
  • What best describes the importance of Crossing the Delaware?
  • What best describes the Battle of Vincennes?
  • What best describes the Battle of Yorktown?


23-26 = 4

14-22 = 3

7-13 = 2

0-6 = 1

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