EVENT 8: Emancipation Proclamation (TIMELINE)

  • Due May 23, 2022 at 11:59pm
  • Points 39
  • Questions 11
  • Available May 18, 2022 at 12am - May 26, 2022 at 11:59pm
  • Time Limit None
  • Allowed Attempts Unlimited


1950s Painting Depicts Lincoln Writing Emancipation Proclamation at  Soldiers' Home | President Lincoln's Cottage Blog INTRODUCTION: By August of 1862, the Civil War had been raging over 15 months, thousands were dead, with no end in sight. As General Lee outfoxed the Union army, President Lincoln grew impatient for a victory. A document had been sitting in his desk for nearly a year, waiting for the right moment to be made public. Fearing the announcement could create a backlash, he knew that timing was crucial...                                                     

EVENT 8: Emancipation Proclamation (TIMELINE)

Bullseye (target) - Wikipedia I can identify the Cause and Effect of each event in order to put them in the correct order

DIRECTIONS: Use this quiz to complete this section of your worksheet called TIMELINE: No End in Sight (see below), which tells the story of the first half of the Civil War in seven events. Remember, after answering the questions here, go to your worksheet and complete this event. GOOD LUCK!

  • Click here to visit the article in WIKIPEDIA
  • Click here to watch a short Youtube VIDEO
TIMELINE No End in Sight .png
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