MAP: Western Expansion

  • Due No due date
  • Points _
  • Questions 1
  • Time Limit None
  • Allowed Attempts Unlimited


MAP Western Expansion BLANK.jpg Image result for growth of the united states map

MAP: Western Expansion

Target COLOR.png I can identify how the U.S. acquired each new territory during western expansion

DIRECTIONS: We will complete this activity together in class . At the end of three days, all unfinished work will be completed as homework. Carefully read the directions in the seven following quizzes to know exactly what you need to receive full credit. GOOD LUCK!

1776 Thirteen States
1783 Treaty of Paris
1803 Louisiana Purchase
1819 Florida Cession
1845 Texas Annexation
1846 Oregon Country
1848 Mexican Cession


  • Click HERE to learn the answers to this question
  • Click the link to see an animated map of western expansion in Youtube LINK
  • Click HERE to explore a map of western expansion at PBS