PHASE 4: The Hudson River Valley

  • Due Jan 20, 2022 at 11:59pm
  • Points 47
  • Questions 8
  • Available Jan 2, 2022 at 12am - Feb 1, 2022 at 11:59pm
  • Time Limit None
  • Allowed Attempts Unlimited


image PREVIEW: In one of the great turning points of the war, this painting depicts the surrender of British General Burgoyne to the American commander, General Gates, at Saratoga. It also recognizes the role played by Frontier Riflemen at this battle, led by Daniel Morgan (in white). Noticeably absent - the actual hero of the battle.... 

PHASE 4: The Hudson River Valley Campaign

60 Fun Printable Targets |
I can explain why was this a turning point in the American revolution

DIRECTIONS: This quiz is part of a seven-phase story during which we will track the major events of the Revolutionary War (see chart below). Answer the questions on the quiz, and then identify where these events happened on your MAP: Battles of the Revolutionary War. GOOD LUCK!


MATERIALS CHECKLIST: Have these things ready for today's activity:

    • Chromebook - opened to this quiz in CANVAS
    • MAP - ready to color/label the events from this Phase
    • Flipbook - ready to summarize the events from this Phase
    • Textbook - in case you need to consult the text for this quiz


YOUTUBE: Each video can help us better understand what we will read about this Phase of the war.

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