PHASE 7: Surrender at Yorktown

  • Due Jan 24, 2022 at 11:59pm
  • Points 45
  • Questions 12
  • Available Jan 23, 2022 at 12am - Feb 28, 2022 at 11:59pm
  • Time Limit None
  • Allowed Attempts Unlimited


Siege of Yorktown | Summary, Combatants, Casualties, & Facts | Britannica

PREVIEW: The British were under siege by more than just American forces at Yorktown. By 1781, the alliance between France and the United States had come to fruition. Instead of sending supplies and ammunition, the French now entered the fray with their own army.

PICTURE: Here we see Washington and French general Rochambeau together planning the details of the final assault on Yorktown, in the distance. 

DNR - Printable targets to bring to the range Why was Lord Cornwallis forced to surrender at this battle?

PHASE 7: Surrender at Yorktown

DIRECTIONS: This quiz is part of a 7-PHASE story that tracks the major events of the Revolutionary War. When finished, put the events from this phase on your MAP, then create a page in your Flipbook that answers the question above. GOOD LUCK!


  • CANVAS - PHASE 7: The Southern Campaign
  • MAP: Revolutionary War Battles
  • Color Pencils
  • FLIPBOOK: The Revolutionary War
  • TEXTBOOK: Pages 216-217


  • 4 = 39-45 (88-100%)
  • 3 = 31-38 (69-87%)
  • 2 = 22-30 (50-68%)
  • 1 = 11-21 (25-49%)
  • 0 = 1-10 (0-24%)
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