• Due Mar 21, 2022 at 11:59pm
  • Points 21
  • Questions 13
  • Available Mar 9, 2022 at 12am - Apr 30, 2022 at 11:59pm
  • Time Limit None
  • Allowed Attempts Unlimited


MAP 13 colonies 3.png INTRODUCTION: This is the first area you will color on your map. Located on the east edge of the continent, it stretches along the Atlantic coast.  The former English colonies proclaimed themselves free States in the Declaration of Independence. The resulting Revolutionary War, which would last eight years. In 1776, the western boundary of the States was formed by the Appalachian Mountains, but today many have expanded beyond their original borders.

TERRITORY 1: Thirteen States (Western Expansion Map)

Target COLOR.png I can identify how the U.S. acquired each new territory during western expansion

DIRECTIONS: Carefully follow the steps in this quiz to complete this portion of your map Western Expansion, then use it as a tool to answer the questions. GOOD LUCK


EXIT TICKET: On a blank sheet of paper, rrite a paragraph that summarizes this section of your map

EXIT 1.jpg

Consider the following questions, all of which you will answer while taking this quiz

  1. In what YEAR did these former colonies become free STATES
  2. What LANDFORM acted as the western boundary of this region? 
  3. What DOCUMENT proclaimed the colonies as free States
  4. What WAR did the States fight as a result? 
  5. On which SIDE of the continent is this area located?
  6. Who was PRESIDENT during this time period?
  7. Which COAST are these States stretched along?
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