The Confederation Era (SECTION 1: Timeline)

  • Due Feb 3, 2022 at 11:59pm
  • Points 37
  • Questions 8
  • Available Feb 1, 2022 at 12am - Apr 1, 2022 at 11:59pm
  • Time Limit None
  • Allowed Attempts Unlimited


Image result for articles of confederation" Confederation to Constitution TIMELINE .jpg

This cartoon illustrates the situation the first thirteen States found themselves in under our original constitution, and why they replaced it. 
SECTION 1: The Confederation Era [TIMER: 3:00 minutes]

Target COLOR.png I can explain the significance of each event from the Confederation to the Constitution

DIRECTIONS: This quiz goes with your worksheet TIMELINE: Confederation to Constitution (above right), which traces 16 events from the first constitution to the second one. It is divided into three Sections. This quiz goes with the first Section (see below). GOOD LUCK!


TIMELINE: The Confederation Era (16 Events)

1. Declaration of Independence
2. Articles of Confederation
3. Surrender at Yorktown
4. Treaty of Paris
5. Shays’s Rebellion
6. Northwest Ordinance of 1787 

SECTION 1: The Confederation Era

7. The Annapolis Convention
8. Constitutional Convention
9. The Great Compromise
10. Three-Fifths Compromise
11. Constitution Signed

SECTION 2: Creating the Constitution

12. Ratification of the Constitution
13. Virginia and New York
14. First Congress
15. The Bill of Rights
16. First President

SECTION 3: Ratification and the Bill of Rights
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